In the world's record of great achievers in major aspect like business and education, it's quite pronounced that introverts are at the head of the queue whilst in facets like entertainment, sports and other social profession, extroverts are clearly in the vanguard and have proven to be extremely favoured. So it's rather fair to say that the success of either of these personalities is a chance of 50/50 and basically should be rated by individuality. It also makes more sense to point out facts ranging from our daily lifestyle, relationships, modus operandi in school, work and at home; all rounding up to one utmost word which is "perception". That is our idea and self inscribed image towards life determines how much success one is going to achieve. I'd start by giving a concise overview about these terms— Introvert and Extrovert. Because I find this topic thrilling, I really hope it helps you identify which one you are.
Image credit: PinterestBasic terms: Introvert and Extrovert.
- Who is an introvert? An introvert maybe perceived as a quiet and shy person which is quite acknowledgeable but contrary to that i'd define an introvert "as one who is well reserved, focused and overwhelmingly loves spending time alone" ( an introvert doesn't necessarily have to be shy).
- Who is an extrovert? An extrovert can be portrayed as what i'd call "the people's person" because of their ability to easily relate to people at any giving time. He/she is easy to get on with and very entertaining.
- In one study, introverts are prone to be more successful in a proactive society while extroverts are more likely to be threatened by this; however, are able to successfully motivate and entertain an inate amount of members in the same society.
- An extrovert is opened to a wide-range of options (people) as a push for success with introspection and hard work inclusive but not to forget, though introversion might seem like a one-man's journey to success, it also in turn increases one's IQ to at least 60% due to their vast knowledge.
- In as much as there is a refined interpretation of the discussed terms; nevertheless, there are many introverts who have greatly succeeded in an extrovert's domain especially in glamorous fields and vice versa.