Human Cloning is the practice of creating genetically identical replica of an organism. In other words, its another way of creating life.
Human Cloning is the practice of creating genetically identical replica of an organism. In other words, its another way of creating life.
Remember the viral video of zhong zhong and hua hua the two identical monkeys or Dolly the sheep in 1996, these are typical examples of cloning.
Quick reminder, Cloning only produces genetically identical humans but it doesn't mean that they'll share the same beliefs or have similar goals. For example: My genes may be enhanced with atheletic talents, that doesn't guarantee that my clone will also become a famous basketball player...
Here are few points to back up both the proposing and opposing sides in a debate.
1. Human cloning gives opportunity to infertile couples to have children at ease.
2. It aids reversion of the aging process: This means you can renew your body when old because each cloned body cell is a brand new cell.
3. Replacement of dead people: Life never really prepares us for trauma and natural occurrences like death. Therefore, with human cloning we are able to bring back our loved ones back to life.
4. Human cloning could also bring about resilience to diseases; that means it would give us advantage of natural immunities against diseases.
5. It is also useful in scientific research and expansion.
6. The practice of human cloning would help to cure diseases that cannot be cured, this includes diseases like cancer, HIV, etc.. With such promising benefits, would it not rather be immoral not to support cloning?
1. Human cloning is bound to change how we approach grief and unexpected loss of loved ones, people would become oblivious to pain of loss.
2. Overpopulation: Human cloning will definitely lead to population overshoot since there's reduction in death rate and this leads to increased demand of natural resources and basic amenities.
3. Economic Inequality: In a society that is categorized into the rich and the poor or I rather say the have and the have- nots, it is quite certain that cloning will only favour the rich because they can afford the practice. Which leads me to say that human cloning will be priced only for the wealthy.
4. Also, there will be interference in the natural process of procreation; that means people might not want to give into sexual intercourse as a vital means of making babies.
5. Exploitation: Cloning could be prone to exploitation as this practice can turn people into potential commodities.
6. Human cloning may introduce and expose us to new diseases. With such unfavourable outcomes, do you still deem it fit to support cloning?
Lately,I saw two sci-fi movies (Replicas and Astro-boy) totally in support of human cloning, in respect to replacement of dead people because the characters in each of the movie weren't expecting the cold hands of death to take away their loved ones while another sci-fi movie (Gemini man) totally not in support of cloning in respect to exploitation as the clones were used for the wrong reasons. So what's your take on cloning, should it be legalized or banned?
DeleteIn my own opinion I think cloning should be legalized...cause it can do more good taht harm.
ReplyDeleteVery well then, your contribution is acknowledged.
DeleteI wonder how u imagine human cloning to do more good than harm.....it intefers with the very balance of nature and outrightly tries to take on the position of God as the Almighty creator....now imagine there were like four Buharis ..God forbid!!
DeleteHaba this is bad ooooooooh
ReplyDeletelol, which of it is bad?
DeleteNo it shouldn't be
ReplyDeleteI believe that nobody has rights to create a copy of another person.
It should only be possible if that individual was born a twin
Your evaluation on the topic is acknowledged. Thanks.